Dar-e-Arqam was the first center established by the Prophet (ﷺ) in Makkah for the propagation of Islam. Companions such as Hamza and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) embraced faith in this house and played significant roles in the spread and practice of Islam. So many big Sahaba accept Islam there. By taking this name we hope and pray that Allah (Subhanahoo wa Ta Ala) make our Center a reason for spreading of Islam and strengthening of our Iman.
Our Mission
The mission of our foundation is to preserve the Religion of Islam in its original formas it was revealed upon the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)and as it was practiced by his righteous companions.
Phase -I
Raising Funds for Down Payment Before July 2025
We are glad to announce
a new Masjid in the Greater Los Angeles!
A Masjid with a capacity of 1000 persons and about 100 parking spots.
Masjid Facilities will Include:
Children Islamic Classes (Madrassah). Teaching of Quran for Boys & Girls. Hifz Classes for Boys and Girls. Basic Fiqh Classes for Childrens and Adults.
Dawah Program Activities. Outreach Programs to coordinate New Muslims
& those who are interested in Islam.
The Down Payment of $2 Million of approximate full price of $8 Million for this project is urgently needed by July 2025.
Please make a Sadaqah Jariah!
Donation will be through
Zelle (310) 561-0915
This project is not eligible for Zakat Funds.
Nasir Mahmood Mahmood-ul-Hasan Dr. Abdul Rab Khan Tabassum Qureshi Muhammad Fahad Abdul Jabbar